Tunde Koncsol

About Tunde Koncsol

I am a photographer and a woman with a wild spirit, always looking on the bright side of life. All my life I have been told that I see completely differently than other people, that I feel the color, the light, the vibration of the world. I have been a wedding photographer since 1997. I started with film photography and I still love it.

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I changed my style in 2017 and my life changed after that.
I have taught many photographers how to find themselves (again), how to define themselves and how to define themselves as photographers.
I can show anyone how to improve their photography and I have many “secrets” on how anyone – with any style – can become a better photographer as before.And I love unicorns.

My motto (from Ratattuille): Not everyone can become a great artist , but a great artist can come from anywhere.

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