[EN] Fabio Mirulla is one of the best Italian wedding photographers and Weddcamp continues the tradition of inviting top wedding photographers around the world. Fabio achieved to be two years in a row in the WPJA Top 5 Photographer of the Year and he was 4 times present in the ISPWP Top 10 Photographers of the Quarter, last time in the second place.
Fabio will hold a one day workshop at WEDDCAMP and the details will come soon! To be among the first to receive the information regarding schedule, presentation theme and price please fill the form below. Like in 2016, all of the attendees to Weddcamp Workshops will get the conference price discounted.
1 – Is really easy to shoot a beautiful photo? 2 – About Me: where I come from, who I am, who I want to become 3 – Are we artists? 4 – How do I face the the wedding day and our tasks 5 – Why does a couple choose you? 6 – The equipment and its real importance 7 – Experiment and research 8 – The Comfort Zone 9 – The stories behind a photograph 10 – Where are you going? Where do we look for inspiration? 11- Comparing different styles and approaches 12 – Destination weddings 13 – Associations and contests 14 – Post-production and workflow 15 – Growing together 16 – Questions and curiosities
Seats limited to 25.
Thank you!
[RO] Fabio Mirulla este unul dintre cei mai buni fotografi de nunta italieni, iar Weddcamp isi continua traditia de a invita fotografi de top! Fabio a fost desemnat in 2014 si 2015 intre cei mai buni 5 fotografi de nunta conform Wedding Photojournalist Association (WPJA) si a fost prezent de 4 ori in Top 10 ISPWP – International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers, ultima data pe locul 2.
Fabio va sustine si un workshop de 1 zi, iar detaliile vor veni in curand! Prin completarea formularului de mai jos veti avea sansa sa fiti primii care veti fi informati despre detalii: programul si tema workshopului (Fabio va face si un shooting), pretul workshopului si linkul de plata. De asemenea, ca si anul trecut, cei care vin la workshopurile organizate de Weddcamp vor avea un discount la pretul conferintei.
Subiectele abordate de Fabio de-a lungul workshopului
1 – E atat de usor sa realizezi o fotografie frumoasa?
2 – Despre Fabio: de unde vine, cine este si cine isi doreste sa devina
3 – Suntem artisti?
4 – Cum abordeaza ziua nuntii si care sunt task-urile lui
5 – De ce il aleg cuplurile lui?
6 – Echipamentul si importanta lui reala
7 – Curiozitate si experiment
8 – Zona de confort
9 – Povestile din spatele fotografiilor
10 – Fabio se inspira in permanenta. Unde isi gaseste inspiratia?
11 – Comparatie intre diferitele stiluri si abordari
12 – Destination weddings
13 – Importanta asociatiilor si concursurilor de fotografie de nunta
14 – Editare si workflow
15 – Crestem impreuna!
16 – Intrebari si curiozitati
Numarul de locuri este limitat la 25.
*) Toate workshopurile WEDDCAMP vor avea loc in aceeasi zi, pe 22 iunie 2017, deci veti putea participa doar la unul singur.