Theo Manusaride

[RO] In 2017 voi incheia al zecelea sezon in fotografia de nunta. Nu, nu sunt batrana. In primul rand trebuie sa va recunosc ca pe masura ce au trecut anii si am acumulat experienta in acest domeniu, am inteles cat de putine stiu de fapt, iar asta e unul din lucrurile pe care le iubesc cel mai mult la ceea ce fac. Simt ca intotdeauna pot fi mai buna, intotdeauna am ce invata si imbunatati si niciodata nu ma voi plictisi pentru ca acest domeniu te obliga sa te reinventezi constant. Si pentru ca sunt un om foarte practic si avid de informatie, pe langa faptul ca sunt entuziasmata sa invat si eu la randu-mi multe in cadrul WEDDCAMP, sper sa reusesc sa va impartasesc si voua tot ce pot eu mai util din ce am invatat in ultimii 10 ani ca fotograf de nunta.

[EN] In 2017 I am photographing my 10th wedding season. No, I’m not old. First of all I must admit that as years went by and I gained experience photographing weddings I realized how little I actually knew and this is one of the things I love the most about what I do. I feel that I can constantly better myself, that I will always have something to learn and improve and that I will never get bored because wedding photography pushes you to continuously reinvent yourself. And because I am a very practical person and I am always on the lookout for the latest and best info (looking forward to learning as much as I can at WEDDCAMP), I hope that I will manage to condense only the most useful ideas from the last 10 years of my professional life for you.

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