[RO] Suntem Ana si Daniel (FotoDumbrava), un cuplu cu peste 10 ani de experienta in fotografia de eveniment! Am pornit împreuna fotografia de nunta, printr-o intamplare fericita! Fotografia ne-a modelat placut, schimbandu-ne stilul de viata. Astazi, tot programul nostru se raporteaza la fotografie, toti prietenii activi sunt fosti clienti sau colaboratori, colegi fotografi sau cameramani. Nu suntem doar fotografi, suntem prieteni și părinti, avem doi baieti foarte efervescenti! Cautam mereu sa gasim echilibrul intre viata de familie si cea profesionala si facem multe compromisuri, dar asumate si respectate! Suntem recunoscatori tuturor celor care au stat in fata lentilelor noastre, suntem mandri de amintirile oferite si foarte onorati de aprecierile clientilor, dar si de cele masurate in premii la concursuri nationale si internationale de fotografie! Ne mandrim cu:
- Fotograful anului 2018 – Fotografi-cameramani.ro
- Fotograful anului 2018 – WPS
- Locul 6 – ISPWP
- Top 50 fotografi – MyWed
- Top 10 Fearless Photographers 2015, 2016 si 2018
- Top 100 International Photographers SRL Lounge
Fotografia noastra se rezuma la oameni implicati și deschisi, munca si curaj, perseverenta și motivatie, implicare si profesionalism!

[EN] We are Ana and Daniel (Fotodumbrava), a couple with more than 10 years of experience in the wedding photography field. By a happy chance, we’ve started together as business partners. This job has shaped us nicely, it has changed our lifestyle and our entire daily schedule. All our active friends are former clients or team mates, photographers or videographers. We are not only photographers, we are best friends, wife and husband, proud mom and dad of 2 very active boys. Even if we constantly try to reach a balance between work and family life, the truth is we are making a lot of compromises, but we deal with it! We are grateful to all those who stood in front of our lenses, we are proud of the memories offered to them and very honored with their appreciations. We are also very proud being awarded by the most important wedding photographers associations in Romania and in the world:
- Photographer of the Year 2018 – Fotografi-cameramani.ro
- Photographer of the Year 2018 – WPS
- 6th place – ISPWP
- Top 50 Photographers – MyWed
- Top 10 Fearless Photographer of the Year in 2015, 2016 and 2018
- Top 100 International Photographers SRL Lounge in 2016
Our photography is about open-minded people, about work and courage, perseverance and motivation, commitment and professionalism! See you at WEDDCAMP 2019!